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Halloween at Camp!

Event Date: 
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Get your creative juices flowing now for this ultimate Halloween party!  Camper decorating contest, Trick or Treat, costume contests and more!  


12-2pm   Arts and Crafts at the Pavilion  *Standard pumpkin carving kits available, but if adults would like to bring a sharper knife to help their child carve their pumpkins, that would be great.  (Sign up sheet for arts and crafts in the rec hall)

2:30pm --?   Hayrides around the park

5:30-6:30pm  Trick or Treating around the park  (Sign up sheet to give out candy in the rec hall)

6:45-7:30pm  Costume contest and voting for camp site decorating!  (Sign up sheet for camp site decorating in the rec hall)

7:30pm--?  Games, games and more games!  (Sign up sheet for games in the rec hall)

Dusk-10:30pm  Halloween light trail around the pond.  Kid friendly!

10-10:30pm  SCARY Halloween drive around,  up in the nature trail.  Not for young kids!


**We will not be having a camp-wide meals in order to allow more time for the kids' activities**

Any questions, contact Krystal at 860-978-8677.