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2024 Season


The pool will remain open through September 15.  

Saturday, August 31 Annual meeting of the owner's  10am in the pavilion.  This meeting will also include the election of President.  Absentee ballots and proxy voting forms are available from Bobby at Lot 61.


Saturday, July 27  Owner's Meeting at 10am in the pavilion. 

May 24, 2024--THE POOL IS OPEN!  Happy Memorial Day!

April 28--EARTH DAY at camp is this Sunday!  Plans include removing leaves and sticks around the pavilion, rec hall and playground; bringing out tables and chairs for pavilion and pool areas; cleaning the kitchen; replacing and setting up the mini golf area.  Bring your gloves,rakes, tarps and trucks!  Beginning around 10am.  Thanks!

April 3, 2024-CAMP IS OPEN!! Thank you to Mark N and all who helped through the opening process. The occupancy permit has been issued and camp is able to fully open. Now if the weather would just cooperate! See you soon!

March 30, 2024. Good morning campers!  The gate will be opened as of today. All inspections have NOT been completed so we are NOT able to have overnight stays or campfires at this time. Main bathrooms will be available and electricity at sites can be turned on. Stay tuned…and see you soon!

Assessment payments for the 2024 season are now due.  The amount for 2024 is $1500. 

Checks are to be mailed to Meadowside of Woodstock, PO Box 503 Quinebaug CT 06262.

If you have questions about payments, please use the "Contact Us" tab.

Reminder--please use the "Contact Us" tab to share any comments, suggestions or questions with the Board.